Portobello road.
Hej kære foodies, håber I har det godt. Jeg har været på en lille ferie fra opskrift skriveri og er det stadigvæk. Men I skal god helt ikke snydes for mad og foodie oplevelser for jeg har været i London igen.
Turen bød på dejlige overraskelser, lækker mad, ny afternoon tea steder og masser af spændende foodie oplevelser.
En af mine favoritte akitviteter i London, faktisk på fleste af vores rejser er at besøge forskellige markeder for man er vel foodie. De to andre gange vi har været i London, har vi været på Borough Market, Camden Market Og Leadenhall Market. Denne gang ville vi besøge Portobello Road Market. Så jeg tænkte at i denne omgang ville jeg fortælle lidt om Portobello Market.
Hello dear foodies, I hope you are all well. I am having a little vacation from recipe writing but you will not be cheated, I still have some delicious food and foodie experience to share with you as I have been on a little vacation in London again.
The trip was full of lovely overwhelming suprizes, new afternoon tea venues, delicious food and interesting foodie experiences.
One of favorite thing to do on my travel or vacation is to visit different markets, beeing a foodie. The other two times we were in London we have been to Borough Market, Camden Market and Leadenhall Market. This time we wanted to see Portobello Road Market. So this time I taking you along with on our trip visiting Portobello Market.
Grand Union Canal
Vi tog afsted til Portobello Market en tidligt Lørdag morgen. Portobello Market er en blandede marked der fylder hel Portobello Road plus lidt mere. Der er en mad marked med mad fra al verden, der er faste butikker, boghandler, restauranter.
Vores tur startede fra Grand Union Canal og ikke i begyndelsen af Portobello Road. Min datter havde fundet en gå rute på Fancy Free Walk, jeg anbefaler den i højste grad for det var sådan en smuk og facinerende tur. Man ser meget f.eks området omkring Portobello Road, kommer omkring Notting hill og kan forsætte til High Street Kensington.
So off we went to Portobello Market early Saturday morning, because it is recomended to get there early. Portobello Market is a market on Portobello Road plus the area around. It is a exiting mixture of all kinds of shops, specially anticcity shops, stands, foodmarket with food from allround the world, bookshops and resturants.
Our adventure started from the Grand Union Canal and not from the beginning of Portobello Road. My lovely daughter had found a walk guide on Fancy Free Walks and I highly recommend you to take this walk, it is a beautiful and facinating walk through the area around Portobello Road, Notting Hill and if you like you can walk all the way to High Street Kensington.
Bare selv turen langs Grand Union Canal var smuk og hele gå turen værd, selv om det var December. Prøv forstil jer hvor smuk turen vil være om foråret eller om sommren. De fleste billeder er taget af min dygtig assistent ( datter :) ), maShaAllah.
Find gå routen her : http://www.fancyfreewalks.org/index.html, søg London og så kommer alle gå router frem. Det er en side værd at besøge, vi har også fundet og gået andre spændende router herfra.English:
The beautiful walk along Grand Union Canal was worth the whole trip and it was December imagine how beautiful the walk will be in spring or summer. Most of the photos are shotted by my talented assistent ( daughter :) ) maShaAllah.
You can find the walking route here : http://www.fancyfreewalks.org/index.html, search for London. This site is worth visiting we have found other exiting walks here.
Udover at vi havde undersøgt en restaturant og fundet vores gå route havde vi ikke sat os mere i tingene. Jeg vil sige at det var godt at være lidt uforberedte fordi der var masser af små dejlige overraskelser hele vejen.
Beside finding our walk and finding a resturant we did not prepare. I will say it was good to be not that prepared as there were small lovely surprizes all the way.
Efter at have gået lidt, trængte jeg til en te pause og vi valgte en tilfældig cafe som viste sig at være en lille hyggeligt marrokansk restarant Zayane.
After walking a bit, I needed a tea break and we just went in a a small cafe we taught, but it turned out to be a small gorgeous maroccan restaurant Zayane.
Golbourne Road 91
The menue looked delicious, but as it was too early for lunch we just had delicious and warming mint tea. The restaurant is on my list to try next time we are in London as we were told that the food was halal.
Lige ved siden af fandt vi en lille dansk spise sted : Snaps + Rye. Den eneste i London. Så hvis man er I London og savner smørbrød med rugbrød, så er det her
Just beside Zayane we found a little danish restaurant : Snaps + Rye. The only one in London. If you are in London and craving danish smorbrod with rye, this must be the place to visit.
Mere foodie sjov startede efter vi have gået lidt ned af Golbourne Road og lidt med af Portobello Road. Her blev vi mødt af denne duftende pomfrit stand.
Nu sagde fornuften at vi skulle gå rundt og snuse til og undersøge alle mad stande før vi valgte hvad vi skulle smage på men hjertet sagde noget andet og vi faldt for navnet: #IBelieveICanFry.
More foodie fun was awaiting after a bit walking on Golbourne Road and Portobello Road. Here we were met with this fragrant and moth watering fry stand.
Now the brain said to go and check all stands before choosing what to taste, but the heart said otherwise because of the mouthwatering fragrance and also because of the name of the stand #IBelieveICanFry-
Vi valgte med pomfritter med cheddar og sennep sauce til deling. De smagte ligs så godt som de ser ud. Især fordi pomritterne var helt friske, altså friske friske, kartoflerne blev skrællet og skåret der. Cupcakeluv anbefaler at hvis man er på Portobello Market er disse lækkerier en must, vælg en lille størrelse så kan man også smage andet lækker mad. Se forneden.
We choosed fries with chedder and mustard sauce, one medium size to share. They tasted just as good as they looked. Specially because they were fresh made. The potatoes were cut right there. So Cupcakeluv recommendation is if you are visiting Portobello Market, this is a must try. Have a small portion then you can try the other yummy food too. See below
yummy !!
Tyrkisk fyldte pandekager, Gozleme. Har i plads i maven så skal i også smage disse.
Turkish stuffed pancakes, Gozleme. If you have more place in your stomach do try these too.
Forskellige Paella
Different Paella in the making.
På et tidspunkt kommer man til Nottinghil område. Vores "walking guide" anbefalede at vi gik en tur på Bleinheim Cresent og udforskede området. På gaden er der flere boghandler, spise steder og andre specielle butikker. Vi fandt denne perle "Books for Cooks" en boghandel kun med kogebøger. Kan I høre englene synge?
You will be reaching Nottinghil area soon. Our "walking guide" recommended to take a walk down Bleinheim Cresent anf explore the area. On this street you will find butiques, more eating places and bookshops. We found this gem "Books for Cooks" a bookshop entirely with cookbooks. Can you here the engel sing?
3000 kogebog titler, wow!!!!. Og de har en lille cafe, hvor de koger bøgerne :) Altså de tester opskrifter fra kogebøgerne. Vi fik desværre ikke prøvet maden, men jeg fik købt en kogebog "Palestine on a Plate" af Joudie Kala. En smuk bog om det palæstiniske køkken.
Cupcakeluv anbefaling: sæt tid af til at besøge denne boghandel. Se adresse forneden.
3000 cookbook titles I was told, wauw!!!! And they have a cafe where they cook the books, well they test the recipes from the books :). Short of time we did´nt try the cafe, but use time to explore the books and I bought "Palestine on a Plate" by Joudies Kala. A gorgoeus cookbook about palestinian cuisine.
Cupcakeluv reccomend you to must wisit and explore this bookshop.
Books for Cooks
4 Blenheim Crescent, Notting Hill, London
Jeg fandt også denne lille butik "Biscuiteers". Vi havde planlagt at vi skulle besøge denne butik i Kensington, men vi var ikke klar over at der også lå en her i Nottinghil, så det var en lille glædelig overraskelse, En smuk lille butik der sælger smuk decorede biscuits eller cookies.
I also found this little boutiq "Biscuteer". We had planned to visits this shop and cafe so it was a little nice suprize that there also was a shop here in Nottinghill. This shop sells gorgeous decorated bisquits or cookies.
Alle biscuits er hånd dekorede her, sikken en kunst. Da de er hånd dekorerede er de lidt dyre, men man kan heldigvis købe et enkelt istedet for en pakke. Da vi kom hjem til Danmark fik jeg en stor boks med masser af lækkerier af min datter, hvor der også var en smuk biscuit formet som lagkage her fra butikken. Jeg kan ikke sige så meget om smagen, da jeg stædigvæk har den til gode, men den dufter godt.
All biscuits are hand decorated here, what an art. As they are hand decorated they are a bit expensive but luckily you can buy one only. When we came back to Denmark, I was surprised by my daughter with a large box wich contained all kinds of goodies and also one gorgeous tired cake shaped biscuit: I have yet to taste so I cant say how it taste, but it does smell good.
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Der er mange sjove butikker i denne område, hvad med en slik butik der hedder "Ask Mummy & Daddy" ?
In this area there are lots of fun shops, how abou a candy shop named "Ask Mummy & Daddy" ?
Og flere intressante spise steder.
And more exiting resturants.
Nottinghill området er kendt for farvede huse.
Nottinghill area is known for coloured houses.
Så vi brugte også lidt tid til kigge rundt på disse huse.
So of course we also spent some time to looking at these houses.
Tilbage på Portobello Road fandt vi The Hummingbird Bakery og selvfølgelig skulle vi prøve deres Red Velvet cupcakes.
Back on Portobello Road vi also found The Hummingbird Bakery and ofcourse we had to try their Red Velvet cupcakes.
Det sidste af markedet er fuld af intressante antikvariteter og stande. Så kære følgere og foodie venner det her var højdepunkterne fra vores tur til Portobello Market. Håber I har nydt dem og at I er blevet inspireret. Ønsker jer alle et Godt Nytår med masser af velsignelser, fred, lykke og masser af lækker mad.
The last of the market is full of intressting antic shops and stands. So dear followers and foodie friends these are the highlights from out trip to Portobello Market. I hope you have enjoyed and you are inspired. Wishing you all a Happy Newyear with lots of blessings, peace, happiness and much delicious foods .
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