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Disse lækker fluffy oste naan kan laves med alle salgs ost efter smag og behag. Jeg havde købt blå og hvid skimmel ost fordi jeg godt kunne tænke mig os se hvordan den fungerede i naan.
These scrumptious fluffy cheese naan can be made with cheese of your choise and taste. I wanted to try to make with blue cheese to see how tht worked with naan.
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Oste naan blev super lækker og fuld af smag. Jeg lavede lidt om på min yoghurt naan opskrift. Mælken, smørret og yogurten gør dem luftig, bløde og smagsfulde.
The outcome was super delicious and the naan are rich and so packed with flavours, I changed my yoghurt naan recipe a bit. The used combination of milk, butter and yogurt do not only add richness but also make the naan very soft and fluffy.
6 stk naan / 6 naan
dejen/ the dough
500 gr hvedemel / 500 gr all purpose flour
1 tsk salt/ 1 tsp salt
2 dl sødmælk natural yogurt / 200 ml. plain yogurt
2- 3 dl sød mælk / 200- 300 ml whole milk.
12, 5 gr gær / 12, 5 gram fresh yeast
35 gr smør, smeltes / 35 gram butter , melted.
200 gr blå - hvid skimmel ost / 200 gram blue cheese
pensling/ for brushing
ekstra smeltet smør / extra melted butter
Lun lidt af mælken og opløs gær i det. Bland alle ingredienserne sammen, start med at komme 2 dl mælk i og saml dejen, tilsæt mre mælk hvis det behøves. Ælt dejen, dejen skal være en blød og elastisk.
Hæv dejen i en ren skål 1 time tildækket.
Dissolve the yeast in 2oo ml hand warm milk, mix all the dough ingrediense in a bowl, start by mixing in only the 200 ml milk - yeast mixture, collect the dough and add more milk if needed. Knead the dough, the dough should be very soft and elastisk.
Place the dough in a clean bowl and cover with a cloth, leave it to proove 1 hour.
Forvarm ovn 250 gr C. Kom bage papir på jeres ovn plade
Del dejen i 6 dele, hvis I vil have mindre naan, kan I dele det i 8 dele. Min naan var 8 cm i diameter.
Form til 6-8 boller og flad dem alle ud til runde cirkel. Smuldre jeres ost og fordel den i 6- 8 dele. Læg ost på hver cirkel.
Preheat the oven 250 degree Celcius. Place baking papper on your baking tray.
Devide the dough in 6 parts, if you want to make smaller naans, you can devide to 8 parts. Mine naan were about 8 cm in diameter. Shape them into balls and flaten them out to disc with your palms like shown int the picture. Crumble your chees to equal parts and place it on all disc.
Saml en ad gangen en "oste cirkel" til en bolle ved at samle kanterne sammen. Flad ud med jeres hænder eller rul ud til en flad naan, enten dråbe formet eller en cirkel. Læg dem på bage pladen 4 ad gangen og bag dem ca 10-12 minutter, eller indtil de er gyldne og bagte.
Collect the disc one at a time again into a ball by collecting the edges together. Flat one ball at a time into tear shaped or a cirkel shaped naan with your hands or roll them out. Place them on the baking shees and bake for 10- 12 minuts or until they are golden and baked.
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Vi spise vores naan til kartoffel aubergine ret, opskriften kommer sener. Disse naan vil også være lækre med en cremet curry ret som : Zafrani Butter chicken, butter chicken, korma eller Pakora Karri. Jeg håber I kan lide disse lækker oste naans.
Brush the naans with melted butter, enjoy the warm. For later they can be heated again on a pan and brushed with melted butter afterwards.
We had our cheese naan with a aubergein and potato curry, recipe for this in few days. These naan would also be match made in heaven with these curries : Zafrani Butter chicken, Butter Chicken, Korma even Pakora Karri. I hope you like these yummy cheese naan.