Scroll down the page for english translation
Før jeg igen smagte Kashmiri Chai for ca 15 år siden til et vinter bryllup kunne jeg ikke lide denne te så meget. Jeg kendte denne te om en saltet te også fra min familie. Selv om jeg vidste at man også kunne lave en sød version, så ville jeg heller drikke min almindeligt te. Til dette familie bryllup i Pakistan fik vi serveret den mest smagfulde cremet varmende lyserøde te med mandler og pistacie. Det var en lille te åbenbaring.
Teen kendt i Kashmir og Punjab som noon chai (salt te) eller Gulabi Chai (lyseræd te) og ellers kaldet Kashmiri Chai laves af speciale grøn te blade, som laves med natron og salt og har list lyserødfarve når den tilsættes mlk. Den har været populær om vinteren i Pakistan og serveres også til bryllupper. Gennem årene har jeg både lavet den og opgivet den, selv om smagen var der kunne jeg ikke få den baby lyserøde.
De sidste 2 uger har jeg igen prøvet forskellige forskellige metoder som skulle give teen dens lyserøde farve. Det resulterede i en lyserød te men ikke den lyserød nuance jeg sigtet efter, jeg har derfor tilsat lidt rød farve i. I kan læse opskriften forneden og om I vil tilsætte lidt farve i , er op til jer selv. Med eller uden farve er det en lækker cremet te. Min opskriften er resultatet af inspiration fra pakistansk tv mad programmet Lazzat blandet sammen med opskriften fra bagsiden af te pakken samt min "trying og testing"
You can say I had a tea revaltion about 15 years ago at a family wedding in Pakistan regardning Kashmiri Chai. Prior to this I had known Kashmiri Chai as a salty te, also from my family. Even though I knew that there was a sweet version too, I would rather drin my regular tea until I tasted the flavour full scrumptious creamy and heartwarming baby pink tea with pistacios and almonds. Sweet in flavour with a hint of salt.
This special tea is known in Kashmir and Punjab a as noon chai ( salt tea) or Gulabi Chai (pink tea) and also called Kashmiri Chai in Pakistan. This is a special green tea, popular in the winter in Pakistan and also made for weddings. Throughout the years I have made this tea and given up on it again, event though the delicious taste was there, the colour never seemed right.
Past 2 week I went on trying and testing again different methods to see wich will result in the tea with the best pink colour. Well the result was a pinkish tea but the not pink I had in my mind so I have added a tiny bit of red colour. You can find the recipe beneath, it is up to you if you wan to add colour. With or with out the colour it is a delicious creamy tea, Sweet a hint of salt. My recipe is a a outcome of trying and testing and is inspired from the tv program Lazzat paired with the recipe written on the tea packett.
tip: Kashmir Chai ( te baldene) kan købes hos de pakistanske grønthandler. Jeg har tilsat lidt saffran. Jeg har hørt at det gør man nogle gange i Kashmir for at give lidt ektra smag.
4 tip: Kashmiri Chai can be bought at the pakistani groccery stores. This time I have added a bit saffron to it. I have heard that they to that in Kashmir some time to give the tea an extra flavour. It is optional in the recipe.
Til ca 5 glas / For 5 persons
600 ml vand/ 600 ml water
2½ stor spsk Kashmiri chai ( te blade) / 2½ large tbsp Kasmiri Chai leafs
1/4 tsk natron / 1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsk salt ( eller efter smag) / 1/4 tsp salt
6 kardemomme kapsler / 6 cardemome pods
300 ml iskoldt vand/ 300 ml ice cold water
500 ml mælk / 500 ml milk
2 spsk sukker ( eller efter smag)/ 2 tbsp suger ( or to your taste )
evt lille knips knust safran tråde / little crushed saffron threads
2 spsk fint snittede pistacie / 2 tbsp finnely slived pistacio
2 spsk fint snittede mandker / 2 tbsp finnely slived almonds
Kom 600 ml vand i en stor gryde sammen med de løse te blade ,kardemomme, natron og salt. Rør engang imellem mens vand bringes i kog. Når vandet har kogt lidt opkog, skrue ned for varmen til lav og lad det simmrere ca 20- 30 minutter, mens der "piskes "engang imellem ( se video længere nede for hvad er menes med piskes)
Pour the 600 ml water in a big pot with the Kashmiri Chai tea leafs, baking soda, salt and cardemom pods and bring the whole thing to boil, Stirr while boiling. After boiling few minuts decrease the heat to low heat and let it simmer for 20-30 minuts while "stirring and whiping" Scroll down to see the video to see what I mean by "stirring and whipping"
Vandmængden er nu halveret og har fået en mørk rød brunligt farve.
The liquid amount has decreased to almos half and the colour will be a red brownish colour at this point.
Tag gryden af varmen og kom det is kolde vand i langsomt mens der ofte "røres i" på samme måde som i videoen. Kom gryden igen på komfuret og på mellem varme varm det hele op mens er forsat røres i gryden på samme måde ca 15 i et stræk og så med jævne mellemrum.
Remove the pot from the heat and add the ice cold water slowly while " stirring " as it is shown in the video. Place the pot on the stove again on medium heat and keep stirring lthe same 15 times almost, and then time to time while the liquid get heated and decreased again.
Teen vil igen være mørk - rød brunligt farve og mindsket i mænden. Dræn teenfor te bladene. Kom te væsken i en gryden igen.
The tea will at this point again be this dark red - browninsh colour. Drain the tea and discard the tea leafs and the cardemom pods. Pour the tea in the pot again.
Tilsæt mælken og sukkeret, jeg kunne ikke få den mere lyserød end det her.
Add the milk and suger. So this is as pink it could get.
Det er her jeg tilsatte lille smule rød mad farve ( jeg brugt farve som vi burger til farve ris med). Hvis I burger zafran er det også her det skal kommes i. Safran vil gør farven lidt mørk. Kog teen op igen mens der røres i på den speciale måde. Mælken skal gennem koges. Skrue ned for varmen og lad teen simrer 10 minutter. Rør engang imellem, så der ikke dannes skind.
At this point I added a little red food colour ( I used the colours we used for rice). If you are useing saffron, add it here. The saffron also get the pink colour a bit darker. Boil the milk and decrease the heat and let the tea simmer 10 minuts under lid. Remember to stirr the special way also to avoid skin layer.
Hæld Kashmiri Chai i te kopper eller cafe glas. Drys med pistacie og mandler. Aller sidst nyd jeres te.
Pour Your Kashmiri Chai in tea cups or tea glasses. Sprinkle with the pistacio and almonds. Finelly enjoy your Kashmiri Chai hot.
Misbah! I've never had this kind of tea and it sounds divine!! I love the sprinkling of pistachios and almonds!
SvarSletThank you for taking the time to provide the translation
SvarSletI would love to give the Kashmiri Chai a try, and I love to see your updates, there is always something new to learn here!
SvarSletNever had this tea, but sounds good.
SvarSletThis sounds really interesting!! I can't wait to give it a try!!