søndag den 7. august 2016
Spicy Perle Couscous & Safran Kylling Tikka / Spicy Pearl Couscous & Saffron Chicken Tikka
For english translation scroll down.
Perle couscous, moghrabieh er libanenisk couscous. Mograbieh er både navnet på en libanenisk ret og også på denne speciale type couscous, som er lidt større end vanligt couscous.
The pearl couscous, moghrabieh is a lebanese couscous. Moghrabieh is both the name og special lebanese dish and also the name of this pearl cousccous, wich is larger then regular couscous.
Jeg har kigget efter perle couscous længe og er sikkert gået forbi den mange gange. For ikke så længe siden var der en venlig sjæl der fortalte mig, hvor man kunne købe den og hvad den hed. Jeg har købt den hos grønthandler på Nørrebro og den står på couscous hylden.
I have been looking for this pearl couscous long time and I must have goen pass it many times, until a friendly soul told me what it was called and where to find it. I have bought my couscous at a arabic grocerystore from a couscous shelf.
Min Spicy Perle Couscous med Safran Kylling Tikka er en blanding af libanenisk og pakistansk madlavning en hint af marokko. Jeg håber i finder den spændende og lækkert.
My Spicy Pearl Couscous with Saffron Chicken Tikka is a mixture of libanese and pakistani cooking with a hint of Maracco too. I hope you find this dish exiciting and scrumtious.
Safran kylling Tikka / Saffron Chicken Tikka
1 kg kylling bryst fillet / 1 kg chicken breastfillet
2 dl naturel yoghurt / 2 dl plain yoghurt
1½ tsk ras el hanout (marrokansk krydderi blanding) / 1½ tsp ras el hanout (maroccan spice blend)
1/4 tsk rød chili pulver / 1/4 tsp red chili powder
1- 1½ tsk tørrede rød chili flager / 1- 1½ tsp dried red chili flakes
1 tsk salt / 1 tsp salt
1 tsk safran / 1 tsp saffon
ca 10 stk træ spyd / 10 wooden skewers
Skær kylling bryst fillet i ens størrelse stor tern. Bland alle krydderierne sammen med yoghurten. Stød safran trådene groft i en morter eller knus dem i hånden og bland det også i yoghurten.
Mix all the spices with the yoghurt. Pond the saffron thread in a morter coarsly or crush them in your palms. Add them to the yogurt and mix well.
Skær kylling bryst fileterne i ens størrelse store tern, ca 10-12 stk fra en fillet. Bland dem godt i yoghurt marinaden. Still skålen i køleskabet overdækket mindst 1 time. Læg også træ spyd i blød i vand ca 1 time. Mens kylling marines gå igang med at lave jeres spicy perle couscous.
Cut the chicken fillets in equal size pieces. I made 10- 12 pieces from a 200 gr chicken fillet. Mix the chicken pieces in the yogurt marinade and mix them well. Place the whole bowl covered in the fridge for at least one hour for marination. Also soak the wooden skewers in water for one hour or so. While the chicken pieces are marinating, go ahead and make the spicy pearl couscous.
Forvarm ovn 250 grader. Kom kylling stykkerne på de i blødgjorte spyd, ca 5 stks på hver. Læg kylling spydende i en ovn fast fad. Hvis der er marinaden tilbage gem det til at kommen på kylling spydende under stegning i ovnen. Kylling spydende skal have ca 40 minutter i ovnen, indtil kylling er mør. Husk at vende spydende et par gange undervejs og evt smør med den resterende marinade.
Preheat the oven. Thread the chicken pieces unto the presoaked wooden skewers. Kepp the left over marination if there is some left in the bowl. Place the chicken skewers in a oven proof dish and cook them them in the oven for 40 minuts until the chciken is tender. Remember to turn the chicken skewers in between and also to brush them with the left over marination.
Spicy Perle CousCous/ Spicy Pearl CousCous
350 gr perle couscous (moghrabieh) / 350 gr pearl couscous (moghrabieh)
3 spsk oliven olie / 3 tbs olive oil
5 forårsløg, snittede/ 5 spring onions, thinly sliced
1 tsk rød chili pulver / 1 tsp red chili powder
1 tsk salt / 1 tsp salt
1 tsk spids kommen pulver / 1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsk koriander frø pulver / 1 tsp coriander seed powder
½ tsk gurkemeje / ½ tsp turmeric powder
1 spsk tomat puré / 1 tbs tomato paste
2 mellem store tomater/ 2 medium sized tomato
4 -5 frisk chili, fint skåret / 4-5 fresh chili
2 spsk frisk hakket frisk koriander blade / 2 tbs fresh chopped coriander leaf
en håndfuld ærter / a handfull of green peas.
½ tsk garam masala / ½ tsp garam masala
frisk lime både / lime wedges
Bring masser af vand i kog i en stor gryde, kom lidt salt og couscous i. Kog perle couscous ca 30 minutter, couscousen skal være bløde, men ikke helt gennemkogt. Der skal være lille smule bid i dem. Dræn couscousen for vand
Bring lots of water to boil in a large griddle, add salt and couscous. Boil the couscous until tender almos 30 minuts. There should be a little bite in the couscous. Drian the water.
Varm oliven olie i en gryde, kom de hakket chili, halvdelen af de skåret forårsløg ( den hvide del ) steg 2 minut, tilsæt alle krydderierne undtagen garam masala i. Steg 2 minutter, tilsæt de hakkede tomater og tomat puré i. Efter nogle minutter tilsæt den kogte couscous i. Steg 5 minutter inden ærterne kommes i. Steg couscous på svag varme i 8-10 minut under låg. Sluk for varmen, bland garam masala i. Skal serveres varm, lige inden servering blandes de frisk hakket koriander og de resterende forårsløg i.
Heat the olive oil in a griddle, add the chopped chili, half of the thinly sliced spring onions (the white part) fry for 2 minuts before adding all the spices except the garam masala. Fry for for 2 minuts more before adding the chopped tomatoes and tomato paste, cook while stirring for some moe few minuts before adding the boiled couscous. Cook for 5 minuts, still while stirring time to time, then add the green peas and decrease the heat and cook on medium heat under lid 8-10 minuts. Stir time to time. Mix in garma masala, before taking the griddle of the heat. Couscous should be served varm. Add the chopped coriander leafs and the rest of the spring onions just som few minuts before servering.
Nyd Spicy Perle Couscous med Safran Kylling Tikka, kom lidt frisk lime saft på.
Enjoy Spicy Pearl CousCous with Saffon Chicken Tikka, sprinkle with some fresh lime juice.
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